Yesterday was one of the most beautiful days I have experienced in a long time. I felt like a lazy bone all day, but my husband decided that we should go outside and he could teach me about the different baseball positions by learning them in an actual field.
To be honest, I’ve always hated sports (and exercise), particularly those involving any sort of ball. I remember sitting in PE class petrified and horrified at the possibility of getting hit in the face by one of them. My fear was not unfounded either, for it is something that has literally happened to me on more than one occasion.
Anyway, as I was saying, the day was gorgeous. Prior to leaving the house, husband had made some delicious veggie sandwiches. I decided to sit in the deck to eat mine and the minute I looked up, I was mesmerized.
The sky was covered with cotton-like clouds, and as a backdrop, luminous rays of light began to shine through them. The mountains looked splendorous, vibrant greens, hints of yellow, and redish brown rock witnessing the magical nature of the skies above them. Then there were these birds. Huge wings floating in the air, they appeared to be dancing around the sky, careless and yet so involved in what appeared to be their very own orchestrated performance. It was truly beautiful.
So beautiful, that when I looked down I felt like crying. It was intense.
I’m not a crazy person, but I guess I am somewhat passionate about certain things. One of these is the feeling or realization of being alive.
Nature does that to me. It’s the energy that’s present—particularly in trees. Here near Bisbee, upon entering sierra vista, is the San Pedro River. It is surrounded by trees. Tall ones, short ones, green leaves everywhere. It is something truly worth seeing. Even in the fall, when the leaves begin to yellow and the sun begins to set, the radiant energy of this landscape is one I will never forget.
I also feel this way when surrounded by lots of people. I think energy is contagious. In a protest, a concert, a church, or even in a basketball or baseball game, energy exists and for a minute or two it exists you.
Needless to say, it was quite difficult for me to leave our deck. I felt captured by the beauty that was present. But boy was I glad I left.
I loved it.
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