Jeez...I feel like its been forever since I last wrote on here..I know that everyone who starts a blog..has one or two of these type of posts...but's been absolutely crazy these last couple of months that I have no idea where to life has literally been turned upside down..but in incredible & wonderful ways...
in short...I'm happy************
first and foremost...just a couple months ago i was still struggling with the loss of our little angel, and till this day I sometimes wake up from a dream filled with tears and frustrated feelings of loss, incompleteness, and pain...yet today..this void feels a bit less empty...
ray and i had began trying pretty much since about the end of june, but our efforts were yielding no results....i found myself obsessed with taking pregnancy tests only to discover no hope that i think about it..i kind of wish i had written more about this experience because it was without doubt, soooo frustrating and difficult...
anyhow...i began to feel so horrible about myself...i dont know why..but to see the look on my hubby's face when i told him the tests were negative, was so absolutely depressing...
simultaneously...ray had been coming home extremely exhausted and pretty much fed up with his job, he had applied to some positions with the federal public defenders office and had even gotten a couple interviews but had not heard back in quite a while...
we felt so doomed in every which way possible...
but like i said...things are different of august 27, 2010...we are officially pregnant again!!!
it feels so magical...
i cried and cried when i found the little faint blue line on the pregnancy test...
i called my hubby immediately at work..and he was equally ecstatic..of course a little more hesitant to celebrate than me..considering the many fears associated with this news once you've had a miscarriage..
i guess he was afraid that if i was wrong..that i might be too hurt to recover...he was protecting me...but like i tell him often...
i'm not going to live my life in fear...this is the information i have right now..and im going to be happy and if tomorrow i have to cry...i'll cry, tomorrow..not gonna ruin the present with the future or the past..not gonna do it...yup. not gonna do it.
anyhow, this (living in the now) is something im still learning to do and to apply to the rest of my life..but i swear i'm really trying...
still..i immediately made an appointment to get my blood work tests so that I could confirm the pregnancy and also my hcg count (i.e. pregnancy hormone levels)
so just when we found ourselves without hope...we got some fabulous news, on september 21st...we got a call from the doctor's office confirming our pregnancy and that my hcg levels were 'normal'..and literally that same day...ray got a call from the federal public defenders office! he got the job! i.e. we were moving! and we were pregnant!
we cried so much that day! tears of joy and happinness and relief! it looked like things were looking up for us once again...looking up after a terrible and difficult year...and without a doubt there is one little person that always comes to mind in times like these...our little angel..our little rudy...we know he is watching over us..and we know he is watching over his little brother/sister ....
........and that alone...brings sooooooooooo much hope and happiness...
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